Thursday, September 22, 2011

its a small group kinda thing.

stepping out of your comfort zone is not easy.  some people may like "trying new things" or being spontaneous...but legitimately stepping out of your comfort zone is not something i think most people look forward to.

i dont.  im really pretty introverted.  i get a lot of energy from spending some time by myeslf.  i do LOVE being with people, but i draw my energy from spending some good qt by myself.  i like things to remain the same.  i dont generally try new things.  i get the same food at the same restaurants.  i go the same way to work.  change is not really something i chase.

with that introduction - let me tell you about stepping out of my comfort zone and into such a great thing.  jonathan and i met a couple at church about our age a little while ago.  we went to sunday school class with them a few times.  they asked us out several times.  and then they asked us over for supper one night and we were able to go.

we had a blast.  they are the kind of people that pursue friendships.  theyre willing to become uncomfortable to reach out.  we laughed all night, literally until we all cried, we talked, we ate...all good things.  then they presented us with some things on their heart that God had been leading them towards.

its called a small group.  its kind of the new thing in churches, and really its such a great thing.  our friends invited us to start a new small group they were leading in their home - in our neighborhood.  after a lot of praying and trust of just getting out of our comfort zone, we agreed.  we committed.  we jumped in head first.  and really its been so great already.

small groups are a way to really get to know people, to love on them, to see the awesome and the ugly, and to love even more so because of that.  and thats what God is doing in our small group already.  were seeking Gods word, were hangin out, were laughing, were finding out small things about each other, and i can just see God at work in all of us.  He's got big plans.

so - if you have the opportunity to join a small group - do it.  jump in.  trust God to build friendships you wouldnt have otherwise had.  
 i just got back from coffee with my small group girls.  sweet time.

goodnight.  bless your heart.

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