Tuesday, May 17, 2011

one of my very favorite emotions

i love to laugh.  it takes a lot to make me sincerely laugh hard.  i'm not one of those belly laughers like julia roberts that can laugh at a peace of grass bending funny.  i laugh every day.  and i like that.  but i absolutely love to laugh so hard that i can't breathe or i'm crying.

i think that what makes me laugh the hardest is thinking about how someone would react in an awkward/bad/terrifying/funny situation.  i can do this pretty often by myself.  i've noticed i do this a lot at work, by myself, at my desk, out loud laughing.

i get this from my dad i think.  my dad really likes to think about how people would react in a situation.  like when the brakes stopped working in toyotas.  how sad, really.  but since everyone was physically okay (emotionally, not so much) its really quite funny to think about afterwards.  he cried too - out of laughter.

or thinking about the top of a plane ripping off, given that the people were safe, that's pretty funny to think about how people reacted.  is that sick minded?

seeing people get "boo-ed" from behind a closet.  that's funny.

i love the kind of situations that make me laugh so hysterically that im crying.  and i love those because i rethink the situation and relive it to the point that im crying again days/weeks later - and then its just awkward when people see me laughing for no reason.

i had one of these days at work the other day.  two of my coworkers and i started laughing.  and then we started laughing harder.  and then i started crying.  and then my boss/friend started yelling that she couldn't breathe.  and it was one of those situations that i told jonathan about at supper later and couldnt get it out because i was laughing.

so maybe a pointless post.  but i love laughing.  i love thinking about what would be awkward for people and how they'd react.  luckily i am leading orientation for a bunch of camp counselors (who are awesome) this upcoming week.  there is a lot of opportunity for awkward situations - ones that i'm not in, but get to watch.  i'm excited.  what makes you laugh?

1 comment:

  1. your blog post! :) thank you. hope you are doing well. and Silas is pretty funny too.
