Thursday, February 24, 2011

lunch with the sweet one.

this week i have just been flat exhausted.  it's the first time in the whole wedding process that i've just felt completely overwhelmed - like i don't know how this is all going to get done, and if i don't do it it won't get done.  that is a bad feeling.  i had a little melt down.  then i had to put my big girl panties on.

luckily my mom, friends, family and super hot fiance have stepped up to the plate to just chip in everywhere and do things for me.  

all that to say its just been a long week.  i'm tired.  like sitting at work my chinese eyes almost were shut completely - not that they have far to go on a normal day - but basically just pupils showing today.

so i decided i need to switch gears so that i could get some energy.  what to do.  go for a walk?  naw - its a little cold, i have a cold, and it was too early to be sweaty for the rest of the day.

eat something.  tried that. a graham cracker with peanut butter.  very tasty but still tired.  and i have a wedding dress to fit into, so i had to put a limit to that method.

drink some tea.  woops, eyes shutting a little more.

ah ha.  then i had it.  my oprah ah-ha moment.  if i needed fresh air and an awakening i needed to go see someone.  not just anyone.  my niece - caroline.

it was such a perfect idea.  jonathan and i surprised her for lunch.  she always gets giddy and shy around jonathan - and i love that.  he gets giddy and shy around her too.  i saw him blush today. ok made that up.  but i make him blush.  woops sorry. back to caroline.

we showed up, and she showed us how she picks the butterfly out of picture three.  then she got her lunch that she packed herself - a cheese stick, a piece of broken up american cheese, and a pb & j.  she is partial to cheese.

then we watched her play her preschool circle time games.  something like ra ra watch caroline jump jump - okay it wasn't that wording, but she jumped, and i watched.  the first kid got in the middle and just did a little foot movement.  caroline was next.  she doesn't just do foot movement.  she did rock star jumps for her straight 15 seconds of star time.  i was proud.

then if that's not enough when all the other kids go, most of the other kids gaze off into the distance or something. not caroline.  she bobs her pig tails (or whips her hair back and forF) and claps along for EVERYONE.  she loves it.  and i love watching her.

so after lunch i went on back to work - with my fresh breath of air - and i even pulled some creativity out.  i was so much more productive.  because of that sweet girl.

hope you all have a great Friday.  i can taste my butter biscuit, hash browns and simply orange.  $4.12 will be coming out of my checking account tomorrow.  and it's oh so worth it.


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