Sunday, February 20, 2011

meet people where they are.

i saw a pretty eye-opening awesome video on someone's facebook the other day, and that coupled with my bible study lately has convicted me strongly to love people differently.

obviously God calls us to love people who don't love us.  He says it's easy to love someone who loves us.  but that's not what Christians are called to do.  we're called to love the people who even hate us, would cause us harm, or plot negative things on our lives.  that's a completely different ball game.

then i saw this it.  the whole thing.  it will open your eyes too.

on one of my facebook friend's pages this is a quote she has:  "Be kinder than necessary for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle"

i've always been completely struck by that.

so here's my conviction and thought.  let's start looking at people realistically - meaning that we KNOW each person we ever come into contact with is struggling with something - maybe cancer, maybe a death, maybe a bad boss, maybe just a cold, maybe getting over the flu, maybe a bad relationship, maybe bad news for the day, maybe depression - something.  everyone is carrying something with them.  of course people we meet are carrying great things too - newly engaged, a new job, pregnant, good weather outside, whatever it may be.

what id like to start doing is using the Holy Spirit to guide me in meeting people where they are - even if i don't get the chance to find out "where" they are - and loving them.  rejoicing for those that have good news, and mourning with those who are mourning.  this means not getting frustrated with someone who cuts us off on the road or speaks rudely to us when we haven't done a thing to them - loving those who are rude to us.  

there ya go - smoke on that - it changed my mindset a bit. 

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