Wednesday, January 19, 2011

a childlike faith

i love that song that goes by Ten Shekel Shirt (weird name) called "unashamed love."  one part says, "You are worthy...of a childike faith and of my honest praise and of my unashamed love...and of a holy life and of my sacrifice and of my unashamed love."  i love that song really.  i love it mainly for the "childlike faith" part.

i love kids.  i worked at a preschool for a while and just loved seeing the innocence and the dreams and the faith really.  

furthermore, i love my nieces.  God's given me so so much joy through them.  they're a huge blessing.  i love spending time with them.  doing anything.  pretending.  watching movies.  playing outside.  i love them.

this past weekend i babysat the girls.  while campbell was napping caroline wanted to go outside.  so i took her outside for a bit and we walked around.  she loves to look for "deers."  yes, deers, plural, with the s.  we look for mommy deers and baby deers and daddy deers.  she loves being outside.  she loves to see animals and nature.  she loves it, and i love being out there with her.

so we were outside.  and all of a sudden she says, "aunt stace how is ice made?"  that was because we had just had the ice storm.  so i tried to give some answer that had some sort of substance to it that would make sense.  then she asked me, "aunt stace well how does God make it rain?"  she's fully aware that God is in control of this place.  that God made her pretty, that God makes the animals, that there is a Heaven, she believes, and she wants to know more.

immediately i thought of Job, where God starts questioning Him and basically saying - look chump, who's in control.  okay so God probably/definitely didn't call Job a chump, but He got his attention, and He got mine.  i told caroline about how it says God holds the water in His hands and has buckets of snow in a storehouse up in Heaven.  that intrigued her.  and she believes it.  she loves it.  she loves to know more.

she's a blessing, because from this i've really been diving into Job 38 and 39 these past few days.  you should check them out.  it is a reminder of how HUGE God is, and how He always has been - and how little we are, how little earth is, how short life is, how little we know, how limited our minds are.  He laid the foundations, He holds snow and allows it to fall, He knows the birth cycle of mountain goats and gives them inherent knowledge of how to care for their young, He drew lines for the oceans to not go past, and they don't - it's amazing isn't it?  check it out.  think of my nieces - they're lovely.

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