Tuesday, January 25, 2011

this is Christ

during my devotions today, i ran across an excerpt online by cooper abrams - he is trying to explain salvation in layman's terms.  i really loved this analogy, and i just wanted to share it.  i'll post more later, but for now, i just wanted to share this.  take it, and share it with people who don't know Christ.

"Suppose that you got mad with someone and went and stuck a knife into the tires of their car. Afterward you began to think about what you had done and you began to understand the truth that you had done something wrong. Two wrongs to not make a right. You went to the person greatly embarrassed and told them you had something to confess. You then explained that it was you who had cut their tires. You told them with deep emotion and sincere guilt that you were sorry and you begged them to forgive you for doing this bad thing against them. Supposed they were kind and gracious and said they would forgive you. That would be truly wonderful for you wouldn't it? . . . .But there is something else to consider! Who would pay for the tires. Suppose you had not even a penny to your name....how could or would you pay? The answer is that you could not pay.....yet suppose the person you harmed would say I forgive and I will pay the price.
Folks that is what God did. We have not way to pay any of the debt we owe God....not even a penny. Yet, the debt must be paid, and so Christ Jesus, God's only begotten Son, God incarnate in flesh....went to the Cross and there He paid for our sins. He paid the debt we could not pay and thus His forgiveness is verified in His sacrifice and payment."

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