Saturday, January 8, 2011

date night

jonathan has decided that friday nights should be our date nights.  this stems slightly from the fact that i am one who always likes to have a plan.  i like to know what's going on.  i like to know what time we'll be going to what place and what we'll be doing at that place.  the whole "fly by the seat of my pants" idea makes me sweat.  jonathan on the other hand loves the idea of "going with the flow." yikes.

so jonathan has decided that we should designate fridays as a day that we'll have a plan.  even if the plan is to get a movie and stay home. 

so last night was the first of these date nights, and it was jonathan's turn to plan.  after work i called him to see what the plan was, because he had kept it a secret for the week.  he gave me three options, because he knows i like options.  

#1 make pasta at home, go out for coffee, then come back home and watch a movie.
#2 go to The Diner in downtown raleigh. then go to Cafe Helios for coffee. then go home and watch a movie.
#3 go to Carabbas, then go grab coffee, then go back home and watch a movie.

i chose option 2!  we love going to The Diner, because they play oldies music and have milkshakes.  we love it!

so we got to the restaurant and parked in a parking lot.  i asked jonathan if we were allowed to park there.  the sign said "only patrons of The Creamery.  all others will be towed."  jonathan figured it was okay.  so i trusted him, momentarily. 

when we got inside the restaurant i was so paranoid that the car would get towed that jonathan kindly took my keys and went and moved it.  much better. now we can eat in peace.

the food was fantastic, the music was good.  then we walked to Cafe Helios.  whoa. weird place.  very very weird place.  the music was like some sort of dream and the atmosphere just threw me off.  weird.  then we walked to my car to go about our night.

we walked up to the car to find a sweet surprise. a ticket.  not sweet.  but definitely a surprise.  ironic huh?  apparently we got a ticket for parking within 5 feet of a driveway?  did you know that was a law?  us neither.  so now you know.  don't park within 5 feet of a driveway - you'll get a $30 ticket.

overall though we had a lovely night.  i'm so so ready for married life.  when we don't have to get exhausted and fall asleep and then one of us wake up and have to drive home.  it'll be so lovely.

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