Tuesday, January 18, 2011

surprise - don't be jel.

sorry y'all, but i just need to brag on my soon-to-be-husband.  he is absolutely amazing.  he is very much opposite of me in so many ways, and that is what makes us work.

i'm the type of person who likes to get somewhere as fast as possible.  for instance, if i need to get something out of the kitchen i usually swish my feet in a light jog to go get it.  there's no need to get there slowly.  when i'm driving i go 5 over. because i won't get a ticket (hopefully), and it'll get me there that much quicker.  jonathan.  not so much.  life is a sunday drive.  we go 5 under the speed limit.  we walk slowly.  we don't rush. no. no rushing.  but that's good - it makes us us.

another example.  jonathan is a dreamer.  i'm a realist - or something.  jonathan has lots of hopes and dreams.  he has big thoughts of what could be.  me.  not so much.  i love ideas sometimes - like living on a lake with 6 kids jonathan farming plenty of money.  i think like that sure.  but i'm not a dreamer really.  i think of what can be done, realistically.  if it doesn't seem realistic, it probably won't happen.  pessimist?  maybe.  but that's what i love about him.

and on another note.  romance.  jonathan has been a romancer since he was born.  he may  not like for me to tell his business on the internet - actually i know he won't, so i won't - ish.  but he's always been the romantic type.  me?  haha, no.  not so much.  i don't like to be called "babe," i don't like to be told how beautiful i am, i don't like surprise dates (they make me anxious), and i don't like goggly goo talkin.  no thank you.  but that's also why i love jonathan.  because he finds ways to romance me that will actually mean something to me.  he's good like that.  he's selfless in loving me.

so today.  work was work.  good mostly.  stressful slightly.  but good.  i went for a walk.  then i came back to this:

roses.  delivered to my office.  while he's out farmin...he thought of me and had some flowers delivered.  and i love them.  they're not roses because i don't love roses.  they're an arrangement, and they smell good, because i love that.  and they're in a blue vase, which i love.  given with a simple note - none of that goggly goo mess.  he's lovely, isn't he?  yep, i am marrying him - in less than 3 months.  bow chicka wow wow.

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